DIY ejuice theroy: Pocket Steeping

I’m a very impatient person. Waiting for a new juice I mixed to steep for a week is like putting up a Christmas tree with presents under it in August. There are numerous methods people use to speed steep ejuice, my favorite is a hot water bath. Today’s post is just a theroy I have and there is no conclusive evidence to really support it and I welcome any input anyone has about it. So when I mix a fresh batch of juice I immediately proceed putting it in a Mason jar with water placed on top of a candle warmer (only put juice in a glass bottle when doing this) to begin the steeping process. The bottle will sit in there for an, then gets capped and shook, this goes on for a few hours. Now by doing this I am warming up the juice to allow the products to become the same viscosity and mix better together. There are several other was to quick steep and this is just my preferred method.

Let’s take my method apart, one, I am warming the juice so that all the products are the same viscosity, two,  I am shaking once an hour. The regular steeping method involves placing the juice in a dark room temperature place and shaking it a few times a day then wait. Other methods include warming and cooling the juice several times and then letting it rest.

Now I’ll get to the point, pocket steeping. When we put a bottle of juice in our pocket we are providing four things, a dark place out of sunlight, heating from our body temperature, shaking as we walk, and cooling when we are in the cold weather or possibly high air conditioning. Like I stated earlier this is just a theroy, but doesn’t kind of make sense? I have noticed color change and a much better flavor when I refill a tank after carrying a bottle of juice in my pocket. I don’t know you be the judge, am I full of crap or on to something?

Thanks guys, hope I see some comments on this. As always vape on and continue the climb on being smoke free!

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